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January Drawings

At the end of last year I decided to set myself a challenge: I would draw something everyday. I wanted to push myself to create something everyday, even just something small, and I wanted to challenge my boundaries and composition and skill. And so, on the first of January I got out a brand new sketchbook and sat down with a cup of tea to complete my first drawing of 2019. 

I decided to completely embrace the new year and all its ups and downs that are sure to come. Day one included the word ‘embrace’ written into the bordering triangle.

And (almost) every day since I have managed to find time to sit and complete a drawing of some description. Some I am very pleased with, others not so much but the point isn't to have incredible drawings everyday, just a drawing everyday. I've been trying to focus my inspiration and references on Scotland and its beautiful animals, plants and scenery although some drawings have come out far more loosely inspired than others. 

I tried to draw everyday but life, mental health and other things do get in the way sometimes and so there were a few days throughout the month were I didn't complete a drawing. On these days I simply sketched in pencil a rough idea of composition so that I could complete the ink part when I was able to. 

I've really enjoyed this challenge so far and I'm excited to see my progress throughout the year! I get a strange sense of satisfaction flicking through the pages of my sketchbook and seeing so many drawings. I plan to turn some of these sketchbook pieces into final pieces for prints so if you see any you especially like, do let me know!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this short round up of my January 2019 drawings!

Lots of love,
